Saturday, July 6, 2013

Nicki and Chuck

Nicki has worked in the real estate industry for 30 years, retiring in January 2012. For 17 of the last 20 years she worked as a team with her husband, Chuck Pousson.
As one of the Top 10 Producing agents in the Greater Phoenix, Arizona area, they closed over $47 million per year for over 10 years.

As a Realtor for 30 years, they had spent thousands of dollars marketing to potential clients but it was the last 15 years of their career that was the best. It was these last 15 years where they stopped all the traditional marketing and started looking at their clients as relationships and friends rather than just another business transaction. They started sending greeting cards everyday. They never forgot a birthday or special occasion of their past and current clients. They sent their children cards and even their pets! They listened to what was important in each of their clients lives and they made notes. These notes turned into greeting cards and the greeting cards turned into relationships and relationships turned into referrals and referrals turned into relationships and THE BEST BUSINESS they could ever hope for. They can truly say that it was because of the way they did their business the last 15 years of their career that Nicki and Chuck became one of the TOP 10 Realtors in the Phoenix Area for over 10 years.